
Show Notes

In this episode, I sit down with Dillon  to talk about his incredible journey in the welding industry. We start with his early days working on a farm, move through his experience as a pipeline welder, and dive into his transition to starting his own fabrication business. Along the way, we discuss the critical role of mentorship, the various career paths welding offers, and the essential tools and strategies for success in a small shop environment.

Dillon and I share insights on what it takes to build a welding business from the ground up. We highlight the importance of starting small, engaging with the community through teaching welding classes, and supporting the next generation of welders. Networking and collaboration come up as key components to thriving in this industry, as well as the value of certifications and setting up accredited testing facilities. We even touch on tips for navigating the CWI exam.

We also get into the nitty-gritty of running a welding business, from balancing office work and hands-on fabrication to understanding client needs and tackling the challenges of scaling. Dillon opens up about his transition from working solo to managing a team, emphasizing the importance of organization, efficient workflows, and task management tools.

Finally, Dillon gives us a glimpse into his future plans for Yeti Welding, sharing his goals for 2025, which he’s calling "The Year of the Yeti." We explore new technologies, task management techniques, and the significance of staying connected with the welding community. This is a conversation packed with inspiration and practical advice for welders and entrepreneurs alike.


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